While TVs and LED displays may look very similar there are several key characteristics which make them very different products. Luminosity, size availability and cost are some of the most important distinguishing factors.
Many business owners ask if it’s possible to use a standard television in their window for advertising purposes. While this is an option, the first and very noticeable issue is that the TV will not be visible in daylight. Standard televisions emit about 3% of the brightness that an LED screen projects. Average priced industrial TVs boast higher brightnesses, but they reach about 10-15% of an LED display. After several months of use most business owners with TVs will also recognize a sharp decrease in brightness and a discoloration on their televisions.
For those needing interior displays brightness is not a critical factor, however another obstacle of using TVs is in customization of size. While LED screens can be built to virtually any size needed there are obviously many size restraints when working with televisions.
Finally, cost is a major factor which differentiates a TV from an LED sign. TVs will undoubtedly be cheaper but it’s critical to understand the manufacturing and components of a standard TV are very different from those inside an LED display. While an LED might seem to be a steeper investment, it is a more effective solution with long term benefits.